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Who Can Homeowners in Our Region Depend on for Reputable Duct Cleaning?

10/12/2020 (Permalink)

Do you air ducts look like this? SERVPRO's duct cleaning service can remove dust and debris.

Protect Homes and Pocketbooks by Working with Our Well-Trained and Ethical Team, Why Your Local SERVPRO Tops the List When Bridgewater Residents Need Duct Cleaning 

If you have concerns about your Bridgewater home's HVAC duct system's cleanliness, you need to ensure any duct cleaning experts you consult are knowledgeable. Some companies over-emphasize the need for cleaning regularly. Others might concentrate on clearing out just a portion of the system, resulting in dirt and debris in other ductwork areas quickly re-soiling the cleaned space.  

Should Homeowners Obtain Duct Cleaning if Family Members Suffer from Allergies or Irritation? 

Before lining up duct cleaning in Bridgewater because of a suspicion that dirty ductwork contributes to asthma or breathing problems in a family member, consult a health care practitioner. Although it might be possible that contaminants in the ducts are part of the problem, exploring other alternatives with medication, diet, or other treatments could eliminate the issue. Many allergies are seasonal, impacted more by outdoor conditions. You can always schedule a duct cleaning if different strategies fail to reduce coughing, sneezing, red eyes, and other sensitivity or allergy symptoms.  

If Homeowners Suspect Household Mold Contamination, Is Duct Cleaning a Good Control Measure? 

Taking charge of any duct-related mold issues is intertwined with the water damage or excessive humidity that drives mold spores' growth into active mold colonies. The connection between water and moisture damage and mold concerns is why SERVPRO is such a good fit for area residents. Merely cleaning the ducts in your home in response to mold proliferation is a temporary fix. We can combine appropriate duct mold cleaning to mitigate and remediate the water and moisture problem for a longer-lasting solution to mold concerns. The water inside HVAC systems often links to the cooling components evaporator coils. Leaks in return ducts can permit water to pass inside. These and other signs of excessive moisture are noted and can be addressed during high-quality duct inspections.  

What Are Generally Accepted Reasons to Hire a Duct Cleaning Contractor? 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) discusses duct cleaning at length. A worry is that unscrupulous contractors advise cleaning when no or little benefit from the procedure seems likely. Improper cleaning can introduce particles into the air of your home. These concerns are why SERVPRO pledges to provide duct cleaning only by highly trained professionals when the following conditions are present: 

  • Significant and visible mold growth, in conjunction with remediation of the water and moisture damage that causes it
  • Infestations of vermin such as insects or rodents 

Other situations can result in substantial quantities of visible dust or debris, especially if the vents were open during an event such as: 

  • Remodeling or repairs
  • House fires 

Do Reputable Duct Cleaning Companies Suggest Biocides or Sealants as a "Save All" Strategy? 

Regularly changing your Bridgewater's HVAC system's filters is the most efficient and effective way to keep dust, mold debris, other allergens, and more out of your home. Educate yourself comprehensively on the benefits and detriments of the use of chemical biocides or sealants.  

  • Limited use of chemical biocides and sealants can be appropriate under specific circumstances. Still, you might want to discuss their use with your healthcare provider if members of your family exhibit allergic reactions or sensitivity to chemicals.
  • The EPA has no chemical biocides currently registered for use in internally insulated air duct systems.
  • Research does not demonstrate the effectiveness of chemical biocides in duct cleaning.
  • The potential for adverse health effects from the chemical is not as yet established. 

What Safeguards Should Homeowners Employ When Choosing Among Duct Cleaning Contractors?  

Like any home restoration or cleaning services, pick a local company. Traveling duct cleaning companies are here today and 100 miles away tomorrow. You deserve to partner with a reputable firm with a physical facility and a broad spectrum of services to address the underlying causes of excessive debris in ducts.  

  • General restoration and cleaning training from the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) is an excellent sign that the duct cleaning company takes every type of intervention seriously.  
  • Certification as NADCA Certified Air Systems Cleaning Specialists is also a plus.  

With generations of service to our community, we are that local company, why SERVPRO inspires confidence in those seeking duct cleaning

The duct cleaning experts at SERVPRO of The Bridgewaters proceed with skill and caution when clearing the HVAC system and other ducts in your home. Call for an evaluation to determine if your ducts need attention and the conditions that caused the soiling by reaching out to us at (508) 697-5439.

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