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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Puff Back - Plymouth, MA

4/20/2017 (Permalink)

This homeowner suffered a massive puff back.

A furnace puff back is an explosion that occurs when your oil burner mis-fires casing soot to billow throughout your home. This soot travels through your exhaust system leaving a blacken oily sticky soot affecting walls, bedding, clothing, etc.

If you home has a controlled or forced air system puff backs send soot the same way it sends heated air. 

Puff backs can occur one of two ways, either by a large and apparent puff back, or in smaller amounts that happen over time. If gone untreated, your family could suffer respiratory problems. 

If you think that your home has fallen victim to a puff back call SERVPRO of the Bridgewaters at 508-697-5439 and a certified and trained technician will come and assess what plan of action needs to be taken.

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