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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Save your sentimental items with Ultrasonic Content Cleaning

4/7/2016 (Permalink)

As a homeowner or even a renter, one of our biggest fears is losing everything we own to a natural disaster, especially the items that are most sentimental to us. When a natural disaster hits, it is much more than just a physical burden, it also takes a mental toll with everything that now needs cleaned and repaired. There are many different methods of cleaning, depending on the type of damages that are done, but one specific way could truly salvage items that you might have just given up on in the past. This method of cleaning is called Ultrasonic Content Cleaning.

Ultrasonic Content Cleaning uses cavitation action to access even the smallest of crevices on damaged objects. Cavitation is the formation of vapor cavities in liquid, meaning small bubbles that implode to send powerful shockwaves of pressure across the damaged or dirty object, successfully removing residue. This process can send the cleaning fluid in places that a hand cannot reach to clean.

According to TovaTech, the restoration process for smoke and water damaged articles includes a couple of different steps. First the objects are placed into mesh baskets where they are pre-washed with high agitation to remove as much loose residue as possible. Next, they are placed into the ultrasonic cleaning tank for the cavitation action to take place.  The bubbles from the cleaning fluid make their way through the items, removing the last of the remnants thoroughly cleaning the, what used to be, damaged items. The rinse station is next where the flowing reverse osmosis water (water that was put through a membrane removing tap water impurities) removes the soap residue and leaves that clean final touch. The last 5 minutes of the cleaning process go to the drying tunnel where the dyer covers the items in a continuous, down draft, hot air to make its way back to the customer.

According to besttechnologyinc.com, the assembly line layout of the Ultrasonic technology can improve cleaning and labor times by as much as 75%. This process has saved tons of money by restoring products instead of having to replace them. Items that look like they could never be used again have been restored back to beautiful looking items. Don’t give up on your items next time and give the ultrasonic cleaning a try.

Source - http://www.tovatech.com/blog/7816/ultrasonic-cleaner/contents-restoration-and-ultrasonic-cleaning

 Don’t let the winter weather leave its mark on your Nashville business

1/29/2015 (Permalink)

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This time of year brings in the chaos, from cars bring covered in snow to carpet being stained with mud; there is no escaping the winter mess. The kids and pets come running through the front door leaving behind a trail of debris that will later take some time to deeply clean, but at least it’s just a small crowd. In a different situation though, what if those couple of kids and dog were hundreds of customers walking through your living room daily? Cleaning the carpeting of a small living room can even be a challenge, but it is nothing compared to a corporate office with 10 times the traffic. Maintaining a large office requires more attention and higher end equipment to ensure that the area is always up to professional standards.

According to the Institute of Inspection Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC), “the first critical component in programmed maintenance and cleaning is routine vacuuming coupled with rapid response to spots and spills.” The longer dirt is sifted into the carpet by constant traffic, the more worn down the fibers get in the carpet, leaving stains or worn out spots that eventually require carpet replacement. Making sure that spills and stains are taken care of promptly can make a large difference in the amount of years that carpeting lasts and for a company, which can mean saving thousands of dollars.

Tricks to maintaining commercial carpeting:

  • Vacuum daily, especially after hosting large parties or events where the traffic throughout the house or office is more than usual. This will stop dirt and debris from being permanently imbedded into the carpet or harder to remove at a later date.
  • All carpet should be deep cleaned at least twice a year. Some areas with more traffic should be deep cleaned quarterly. Deep cleaning the carpet consists of using a carpet shampoo vacuum to wash, scrub and rinse the excess dirt out of the carpet.
  • Treats spots immediately! Just warm water and mild detergent if treated right away can clean most spots. If the spots or stains are given time to settle, this could mean a more intense and expensive clean up for you later. 

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