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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Water Damage-Brockton

Help, Help, Help the voice cried on the other end of the phone. The sprinkler system in our building has failed causing a massive amount of flooding throughout the building. The voice cracked with desperation, seeking someone or something to bring calmness to the chaos. SERVPRO she thought, would be the answer, she waited, "Thank you for choosing SERVPRO" the voice on the other end said. Before the girl could finish the voice cried she needed help. The voice said 3 floors including the basement had been affected. 4 Apartments on each floors and hallways. There was about 6 inches of water in the basement with lots of contents. The girl could hear the sobs from the voice on the other end. I'm dispatching the technicians to your location now. When the technicians arrived they assessed the area and begun to do the work at hand. The loss took a few weeks, but when the job was completed the owner's were happy to know they had made the right choice and that they had been in good hands.  

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