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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Con't...Roof Mold in Foxboro, MA

The procedure was of a two part. The roof was removed and brought down so that the crew would be able to do some ice blasting. Dry ice blasting is superior to cleaning mold compared to traditional labor-intensive techniques such as sanders, scrapes and wire brushes. The dry ice process cleans as thoroughly or more so and in dramatically less time. Dry Ice creates far less mess. The second phase of the process is completed when the contractor places the roof back on top of the home. Roofs are not always removed from homes when mold is found, it just so happened the contractor was removing the roof due to renovations. Once the mold has been blasted off, the technicians move to encapsulate. What this does is to prevent any mold from growing or spreading. In most cases, materials that cannot be adequately cleaned off mold should be removed and replaces. In this case the mold was successful removed. 

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